
Curated resources to aid starting and running a Hackspace

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Sample Health and Safety Policy

This is an example Health and Safety Policy for a hackspace. You should use this policy as a template for your own health and safety policy, and review it periodically.


This is the health and safety policy for Name of Space. It sets out our approach to health and safety and your safety responsibilities when using the space.

This policy was last updated on date and should be reviewed before review date.


  • The Directors/Trustees are responsible for creating a safe environment by identifying the risks and maintaining tools, equipment, and spaces in good working order
  • Space users (members and visitors) must follow all safety guidelines, use equipment properly, and report hazards or unsafe conditions to the Directors/Trustees
  • Everyone must take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others while using the space

Risk Assessment

Before any new tool or process is introduced, a risk assessment must be completed. The assessment should:

  • Identify any risks involved in the activity
  • Evaluate the likelihood and impact of harm
  • Determine appropriate control measures to minimise the risk

This risk assessment should be completed by the Directors/Trustees and made available to space users. It must be reviewed regularly and updated when there are changes to activities, tools, or the environment.

Before using a tool or process, space users should familiarise themselves with the risks by reading the risk assessment or other documentation provided.


The risk assessment may require training for some tools or processes. Space users must ensure they are correctly trained before undertaking work with these.

Personal Protective Equipment

Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be used when necessary, particularly when using machinery, tools, or handling hazardous materials.

The Directors/Trustees must ensure PPE is available and that space users understand how to use it correctly.

Incident Reporting

Space users must report all accidents, injuries, or near misses to the Directors/Trustees as soon as possible.

Describe incident reporting process

The Directors/Trustees must keep a record of incidents, and ensure any serious incidents are investigated to prevent recurrence.

The Directors/Trustees should report serious incidents and near misses to the UK Hackspace Foundation incident reporting system, to allow trends and risks to be identified.