Hackspace Foundation

A non-profit, community organisation dedicated to promoting and coordinating hackspaces in and around the UK.

Note: Only active spaces are shown on the map

Hackspaces are places you can visit to meet people, learn, socialise, and collaborate. A place to make your own projects a reality or help others with theirs.

There is a rich tradition of hackspaces worldwide. In January 2009, the Hackspace Foundation was formed in response to the lack of hackspaces in the UK. Since then, we've helped many groups create their own spaces.

Click here to read more about our Mission.

List of Active Spaces

We currently know of 61 active hackspace-like entities. These are all the ones we've found / been told about. This is an informal process so it may well be out of date - if you spot any ommissions/corrections, please let us know via this form.

A separate members list will be made once we have members.


East Midlands

Logo Name Status
Derby Makers Active
Leicester Hackspace Active
Lincoln Hackspace Active
Melton Space Active
Nottingham Hackspace (Nottinghack) Active

East of England

Logo Name Status
Cambridge Makespace Active
East Essex Hackspace Active
Hitchin Hackspace Active
Ipswich Makerspace Active
Norwich Hackspace Active

Greater London

Logo Name Status
Limehouse Labs Active
London Hackspace Active
Richmond MakerLabs Active
South London Makerspace Active

North East England

Logo Name Status
MakerSpace Active
Teesside Hackspace Active

North West England

Logo Name Status
DoES Liverpool Active
Hack Oldham Active
Hackspace Manchester (Hacman) Active
Lancaster and Morecambe Makers Active
Leigh Hackspace Active

South East England

Logo Name Status
Basingstoke Makerspace Active
Build Brigton Makerspace Active
Crookham Hacklab Active
EOF Hackspace Active
Maidstone Hackspace Active
Medway Makers Starting
Milton Keynes Makerspace Active
Newbury and District Hackspace (NADHack) Active
Portsmouth Makerspace Active
Reading Hackspace Active
So Make It Active
Surrey and Hampshire Makerspace Active

South West England

Logo Name Status
Bristol Hackspace Active
Cheltenham Hackspace Active
Swindon Makerspace Active

West Midlands

Logo Name Status
Bromsgrove & Droitwich Makerspace Starting
Telford Makerspace Active
fizzPOP Active

Yorkshire and the Humber

Logo Name Status
Barnsley.io Starting
Bridge Rectifier Active
Doncaster Hackspace Active
Leeds Hackspace Active
Makerspace Ashfield Active
Makerspace hull Active
Otley Maker Space Active
Sheffield Hardware Hackers & Makers Active
York Hackspace Active


Baliwicks of Guernsey

Logo Name Status
Makerspace Guernsey Active


Northern Ireland

Logo Name Status
Farset Labs Active

Republic of Ireland

Logo Name Status
TOG Active



Logo Name Status
Electron Club Active
The Gamer Club Active

Highlands and Islands

Logo Name Status
The T-Exchange Active


Logo Name Status
Edinburgh Hacklab Active

North East Scotland

Logo Name Status
57 North Hacklab Active
Dundee MakerSpace Active



Logo Name Status
Machynlleth Makerspace Active

South Wales

Logo Name Status
Cardiff Hackspace Active
Make Monmouth Active
Swansea Hackspace Active

List of Inactive Spaces

We currently know of 39 hackspace-like entities that have sadly closed or suspended operation.


East Midlands

Logo Name Status
NortHACKton Defunct

East of England

Logo Name Status
Chelmsford Makerspace Defunct
Herts Hackspace Defunct
Maker City Defunct
The HackSpace Suspended

Greater London

Logo Name Status
Everyone's Warehouse Defunct
West London Hackspace Defunct

North East

Logo Name Status
Darlington Makerspace Defunct

North East England

Logo Name Status
Grimsby Hackspace Defunct

North West England

Logo Name Status
Blackpool Makerspace Defunct
Chester Hackspace Defunct
Preston Hackspace Defunct

South East England

Logo Name Status
Canterbury Hackspace Defunct
Make Bournemouth Defunct
OxHack Defunct

South West England

Logo Name Status
Chippenham Hackspace Defunct
E-Space Defunct
Open Shed Defunct
The Dorset Constructorium Defunct
Torbay Hackspace Defunct

West Midlands

Logo Name Status
Coventry Makerspace Defunct
Ledbury Hackspace Defunct
Make:Bromyard Defunct
Malvern Hackspace Defunct
Potteries Hackspace Suspended
Shropshire Hackspace Defunct
Wolverhampton Hackspace Defunct

Yorkshire and the Humber

Logo Name Status
Access Space Suspended
Hull Hackspace Defunct
Selby Hackspace Defunct


Republic of Ireland

Logo Name Status
091 Labs Defunct
Forma Labs Defunct
Lightbox Lab Defunct
Milk Labs Defunct
South East Makerspace Suspended


Mid Scotland and Fife

Logo Name Status
Fife Hackspace Defunct


Mid and West Wales

Logo Name Status
AberLab Defunct
Pembrokeshire Hackspace Defunct